1995-2023 / Terra Dei (reMix & reMastered Version)


Terra Dei

reMix-reMastered Version Series Vol.4.

audio & ordering:




01_Shingaku 04:13
02_Dhammapada 04:15
03_Thyasus 04:15
04_Deus ex Terra 05:20
05_Geetasma 05:00
06_Indubio 06:00
07_Sol Invictus 05:25
08_Calabi Yau 14:13


Terra Dei  is the planet of our God. He/She/They here dwells, with us.
Therefore, the Earth and its world are exactly like our God and his world. Here, the virtual creation of an imagined all-musical vernacular is the ‘yearn’, while the cause and fuel of rage at existing social brutality is compulsory ‘sadness’, since the existence and musical representation of both is necessary in this world.
Hence the creation of the Planet-Earth Transociety, a global community whose inhabitants form their virtual culture through a spiritual exodus, covering the Earth’s hemispheres (exodusphere) like an onion skin, invisible to the real world.
Subliminal alien’nations.
There has never been and perhaps never will be any other “habitable” place on earth for salvation. But this is also the cause of the libidos of wrath and the virtual practice of resistance, precisely because of the natural compulsion of sadness.
Thus, the music of Terra Dei, though it touches upon a spiritual exodus from the world that its very inhabitants have made uninhabitable, is but a faithful mirror of the world of our God.

(Lāszlō Hortobāgyi-Hortator, 1994)


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