1998 – 2023 / Aeon (reMix & reMastered Version)



reMix-reMastered Version Series Vol.8.

audio & ordering:




1._Paleorite 07:20
2._Neolithurgos 07:50
3._Ka Venamon 08:20
4._A Sudduli Appū 08:10
5._Synaphē 08:00
6._Enterpē 07:25
7._Rūno Latar 10:07
8._Avarython 07:37


„Let’s invite to you now a mysterious time-tour ranging over thousand years, a real expedition,a musical adventures.
This little disc promises such a virtual archeological expedition which – from the appearance of the homo-sapiens to the last days of the Avar empire -makes excursion all over the region situated in the heart of our old continent, all ofthe points of intersection of the North, South, East and West. The world of sounds- recalling the amazing, exciting history of mankind gives you perhaps more exquisite and true picture than any source of crammed librarian and museums.
By transmission of the magic music let’s cast a glance into the dead well of the past moving from continet to continent ; meanwhile recalling the long-forgotten tunes of countries and millenaries, memories of quondom people,epoches,eras and gods.
The not-concealed basic idea of the present material is to help the visitors of an virtual world that exist only in plan at the present but later on it becames a real archeological one,to know the possibilities of an audio-virtual ancient world which are beyond the object and the visual world, doing all these-by means of a never existed nevertheless traditional-bound and genuine music-fiction in its elements.
We can step out of the gate of our time-machine in eight parts to have a closer look the traces of them by gone ages to listen to the voice of the past.”

(fragment from the Booklet of the Hungarian National Museum Exhibiton, 1997)




Track 1. ~ Paleorite 7:20′
recorded under the “Mammoth Venatio Fest” at La Moustiēre in the vernal
equinox day the B.C. 75 000.

Track 2. ~ Neolithurgos 7:50′
“Maglemose” type of rituals from the Tavernois Culture,
recorded in a day af lunar eclipse B.C. 9752, at the territory of the later

Track 3. ~ Ka Venamon 8:20′
Rē-Harakhtē congregational psalm (queni) in the temple of Der el-Bahri with
the “Nile-nomos” instrumental rababah service by the nigromans
recorded in the day of Kúfú, B. C. 1427 near Theba.

Track 4. ~ A sudduli appū 8:10′
Hittīta military music piece – belonged to the School of īs -and the
collective breathing-process of the divine “hai” trance syllabe for the Gamuhāi
Istār , recorded in the VIII. dekas of the year B.C. 1420 at Karatepe.

Track 5. ~ Synaphē 8:00′
A theatrical anakrousis (prelude) with the fragments from the aulos-nomos:
“Apollon and the Dragon“, and an epinikion part by the choir Sybilla nuns from
Delphoi Oraculum accompanied by hydraulos.
recorded in the day of Thiasos B.C. 162, Megara.

Track 6. ~ Enterpē 7:25′
Ludi Cereales, an orphic ritual music with cythara and hydra, Kübelé
panergycal piece by tibia (flute-pipe) and dance musíc for Ares-Mars festum
performed by the Salius priests.
recorded 13. mensis Aprilis ab urbe condita 849, namely in the year of Nerva
lmperator A.D. 97.

Track 7. ~ Rūno Latar 10:07′
Tvisöngur choir of the old Viking caciques accompanied by the lur (alphorn)
and ancient gall pastorale on suegalum (flute-pipe) with a rūno fragments
on jouhikko (lute) and gigja (fiddle), later gangar dance music accompanied
by the tartöld (ancient teuton bassoon) and the langleik (bourdon) with
the choir of Druid-s.
recorded a day of Leif, month of the vernal-breeze, A.D. 620 Nidaros.

Track 8. ~ Avarhyton 7:37′
The male-female aspect of the Sāmanic exaltation, tūwa-doromb singing
at the feet of the Departed Ancestors great-black-wood face “kamennaja baba
accompanied by the Avariantārogatō syo” (according to Theophülaktos)
scythian sistrum and rhyton (Lehel ‘s oliphant) with Kontakion Akathistos
hymn (an epikhēma from the Paraklētē, thanksgiving after the Avar invasion )
blended by a dualreed pipe of ison type comes from the Avar tribes.
recorded in the day of Vesper, A.D. 626. Janoshida.

we do not consider it superfluous to mention that the Brune Chronovisor V.2.01 of Lateran Plugin also contributed to the filtering of the time wells


Nem tartjuk feleslegesnek megemlíteni hogy az időkutak szűréséhez a Brune Chronovisor V.2.01 of Lateran Plugin használata is hozzájárult.

Precious and rare recordings from the age of Paleolithic and the 1st.Millennium, namely from the Mammoth Venatio Fest at La Moustiére culture to Kontakion Akathistos hymn from the Byzantine Paraklētē. In the course of extracting the musical gravitron-s from the time-capsules of original atmospheres it has become possible to acoustically convert the contemporary orchestration into a tonal system of our days. This process (yūga-processing) will postulate the application of a so-called Timekalpa-convoillusion plug-in, developed by el-Horto, during the spectral analysis of chronospheric residual sound radiation. The contemporary sampling is completed through the insertion of an adaptive filter (mēme-synthesizer of Horto), that will resolve the problems of Heisenberg’s time paradox during the processing of soliton-s of Neander-Egyptian-Hellenic-Roman-Hittie-Scythian time-strata (or pororoca of the Aeon-s). The time-strata are being unfolded in an onion-skin like way from acoustical funnels driven into Schwarzschild zone of wormholes onto the wax surface of gramophone cylinders, where the kronopit engraving and the filtering and amplifying of very weak signals, the so-called hixspore-s will be converted into sequences of digital signals, and thus the acoustical reconstruction of the past is becoming reality.
(Lāszlō Hortobāgyi-Hortator, 1997)


Értékes és ritka hangfelvételek a Paleolith és az 1st. Millenium korából, avagy a La Moustiēre kultúra Mammoth Venatio Fest-jétől egészen a Kontakion Akathistos bizánci Paraklētē himnuszig. Az eredeti atmoszférák időkapszuláiból a zenei gravitronok kinyerése során válik lehetővé a korabeli hangszerelés akusztikai konvertálása napjaink hangrendszerébe. Eme folyamat (a yūga-processing) az eL-Horto által kifejlesztett ún. Timekalpa-convoillusion plugin alkalmazását feltételezi a kronoszferikus maradványhangsugárzás spektrális analizise során. A korabeli mintavételezés egy adaptív szűrő (mēme-synthesizer of Horto) beiktatásával történik, amely a neander-egyiptomi-görög-római-hettita-viking-szkíta időrétegek soliton-jainak (avagy pororoca of the aeon-s) feldolgozása során feloldja hesienbergi időparadoxon problematikáját. A féreglyukak Schwarzschild övezetébe mélyesztett akusztikai tölcsérből az idősíkok hagymahéjszerű kigöngyölítése történik a gramofon hengerek viaszfelületére, ahol a kronopit bevésés és a nagyon gyenge jelek, az ún.hixspórá-k kiszűrése és felerősítése konvertálódik digitális jelsorozatokká, így válik valósággá a múlt akusztikai rekonstrukciója.
(Hortobāgyi Lāszlō -Hortator, 1997)


Guo-Ang (Memix CD) release
ReMIx GrFx Download

TraX Audition:





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